Ultimate situps training

146-160 sit-ups

If you did 146-160 sit-ups in the test
Day 1
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
Day 4
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
set 1 25 set 1 25
set 2 27 set 2 28
set 3 27 set 3 28
set 4 24 set 4 25
set 5 24 set 5 25
set 6 24 set 6 25
set 7 24 set 7 25
set 8 max (minimum 25) set 8 max (minimum 27)
Day 2
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
Day 5
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
set 1 25 set 1 26
set 2 27 set 2 29
set 3 27 set 3 29
set 4 25 set 4 26
set 5 25 set 5 26
set 6 24 set 6 25
set 7 24 set 7 25
set 8 max (minimum 25) set 8 max (minimum 26)
Day 3
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
Day 6
45 seconds (or more) between breaks
set 1 25 set 1 26
set 2 28 set 2 30
set 3 28 set 3 30
set 4 25 set 4 27
set 5 25 set 5 27
set 6 24 set 6 25
set 7 24 set 7 25
set 8 max (minimum 26) set 8 max (minimum 26)

Creating a Balanced Core: Training Back and Side Muscles Alongside Sit-Ups


The pursuit of a robust and resilient core often directs individuals towards an array of abdominal exercises, prominently sit-ups. This traditional exercise is indeed a reliable way to engage and strengthen the muscles in the abdomen. However, focusing solely on this muscle group can potentially lead to an imbalance in the core muscle development. To achieve a harmonious core, it's equally essential to cultivate strength in the back and side muscles. In the following discourse, we delve deeper into the significance of a balanced core and explore the strategies to train the back and side muscles effectively, alongside sit-ups.

The Importance of a Balanced Core

A well-rounded core is the cornerstone of a healthy and functional body. It serves as the central link connecting your upper and lower body, facilitating almost every movement you make. Ensuring that all sections of your core are evenly developed is crucial in preventing injuries, maintaining proper posture, and enhancing performance in both daily activities and sports.

Focusing merely on the abdominal muscles can lead to an anterior-posterior imbalance, where the muscles at the front of your body are significantly stronger than those at the back. This disparity can generate undue stress on the spine and foster poor posture, which might escalate to chronic back pain and other related issues. Therefore, to foster a harmonious core, it's necessary to incorporate exercises that target the back and side muscles as well.

Training Back Muscles

Strengthening the muscles in your back is an indispensable aspect of building a balanced core. The back muscles play a vital role in stabilizing the spine and assisting in various movements such as lifting, pulling, and maintaining an erect posture. Training these muscles can be achieved through a variety of exercises that challenge these muscle groups effectively.

Exercises like hyperextensions, bridges, and supermans are excellent choices for targeting the lower back muscles. These movements help in enhancing lumbar strength, which is pivotal in preventing lower back pain, a common ailment in today's sedentary society. Moreover, exercises like pull-ups and rows are effective in strengthening the muscles in the upper back, promoting a healthy and upright posture.

When training the back muscles, it's essential to ensure that the exercises are performed with the correct technique to prevent injuries. Additionally, it is beneficial to progressively increase the intensity of these exercises to continually challenge the muscles and foster growth and strength development.

Training Side Muscles

The side muscles, or the obliques, are another crucial component in achieving a balanced core. These muscles aid in rotational movements and help in maintaining the stability of the trunk. Incorporating exercises that target these muscles is vital in fostering a well-rounded core.

Russian twists, side planks, and bicycle crunches are popular exercises that effectively engage the obliques. These exercises not only help in building strength but also enhance the flexibility and mobility of the trunk, facilitating smoother and more coordinated movements.

Like with any exercise regimen, it is pivotal to approach the training of side muscles with the correct technique and progressive overload. Ensuring a gradual increase in the intensity of these exercises can help in developing strength and endurance in these muscles over time.

Integrating with Sit-Ups

Sit-ups predominantly target the rectus abdominis, a significant muscle in the front of the abdomen. While sit-ups are an excellent exercise for building abdominal strength, they should be complemented with exercises that target the back and side muscles to ensure a balanced development of the core.

Integrating sit-ups with exercises that target the back and side muscles can create a comprehensive core workout routine. This integration ensures that all the core muscles are worked evenly, fostering a harmonious development that supports a healthy posture and functional movement patterns.

Moreover, creating a workout regimen that cycles through exercises targeting different muscle groups can prevent muscle fatigue and promote sustained growth and development. It also helps in preventing the risk of overuse injuries, which are common when the same set of muscles is worked repeatedly without sufficient recovery.


Building a balanced core requires a holistic approach that encompasses the training of abdominal muscles through sit-ups, coupled with targeted exercises for the back and side muscles. Understanding the interconnectedness of these muscle groups and the role they play in fostering a healthy and functional body is the first step towards achieving a well-rounded core.

By incorporating a diverse range of exercises that target all sections of the core, individuals can look forward to improved posture, enhanced stability, and a reduced risk of injuries. Thus, to foster a balanced core, it is prudent to move beyond sit-ups and embrace a comprehensive approach that nurtures strength and harmony across the entire core region.